Friday, August 12, 2011

Are you willing to help me?

I invite you to attend a small informal meeting on August 22, 2011 at 7 pm at the clubhouse.   My hope, as is the hope of many others, is that the club will sell and reopen one day soon. Unless we can come up with a way that the HOA can get involved, the tragedy of the club closing will only repeat itself.    
The Board of Directors of the HOA is in the first stages of setting the budget for 2012.  What I would like for the committee to ask the board to do is not unlike what they did after the 2004 hurricanes.  The following year a line item went into the budget for Storm Damage.  Now is the perfect time to get a line item on the 2012 budget that would allow the Association to spend some of our assessments on expenses such as Social Memberships in the club for all residents.  I don’t blame the BOD or the homeowners for the current state of the club, but I do feel that we as a community should be proactive in the future.  There will be some responsibilities as a member of this committee that will require more time than others.  Please know that any amount of time you are willing to spend working on this, no matter how big or small, will be appreciated and is needed.
If you haven’t already read it, I encourage you to read the information provided in the following links to see what a community in Green Cove Springs did to prevent their neighborhood from suffering because the Club was on the brink of closing.
If your email system does not support URL links you can copy the link and post it into your web browser.
I am also posting this email on the blog and the address for it is
On the blog you will find an illustration of how much the assessment would cost you personally.  If you are not following the blog or do not want to look at it, I will be happy to email it to you.  Please request the information by email to 

Thanks for taking the time to read this email and I look forward to working with people who are interested in weighing all the options that could help preserve our property values.

Theenie Smith

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