Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Letter Sent to Home Owners

TCMOA allowed Dan to enclose a letter with the quarterly mailing that went to all owners in Turkey Creek.  Here it is.

Turkey Creek Homeowners and Supporters
It is with sadness that I have to report that our effort to reopen the Club has failed. There simply was not enough support to reach our capital goals needed to sustain the operations of the club. However, our efforts were not a total loss. We were able to collect a great deal of demographic and anecdotal information that we are using to build a profile of our club. We will use this profile when soliciting potential investors. We are hopeful that investors can be secured and we will be able to open the club in the near future.
I want to thank everyone for their support! Additionally, we want to give special thanks for the countless hours donated by volunteers. Finally, I would also like to thank the owners of the Turkey Creek Golf and Country Club for allowing me to try.
Your neighbor,
Dan Rhine

1 comment:

  1. Dan, this is really sad new. Thank you so much for trying to save the golf course/club. Most of us do appreciate all your hard work.You were very impressive at the meeting & I felt that your plans would work and I am sorry that it hasn't.
    Thanks again,Jim Dent
